Saturday, June 16, 2012

Euro '12 Group A

Group A

 Czech Republic320145−16

Just finished watching The Czech-Poland & also Russia-Greece game. Glad that Czech Republic advanced, they really deserved it. A bit disappointed to see Russia to home, after they had 70% possession from the Greece side possession of 30%.

Quarter finals, here they go!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fiendish Chain Rage

A $7 card to now... $30-$60. (assumed by trollandtoad)

Got 2 on my hands right now, sell to t&t for $40?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Premier League - Crazy Weekend

Some non-YGO related postes these days..

Any who, if anyone of you guys follow the Premier League, you would know that his weekend has been full of surprises:

United 2-3 Blackburn
Chelsea 1-3 Aston Villa
City 0-1 Sunderland

The Sunderland-City match was amazing. Truthfully, the game should've ended up in a win for City but Sunderland managed to hold on and Ji struck won in on the last minute of the game. Who cares if it might've been offside, it gives United a better chance of getting back up again! (City hater here)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My New Obsession

So winter break started a few days ago..

I've been pretty obsessed with the online football manager game, 'Top Eleven.' It'll most likely be what I'll be playing for the rest of this winter break.

Just to let you know.

Oh yeah, new posts of YUGIOH coming soon.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dragons Collide Structure Deck Review

Cover card(s): Darkflare Dragon (left) & Lightpulsar Dragon (right)

The TCG version of this deck is actually coming up pretty soon, since it is not even out yet in the OCG. Here is the info about this deck:

Dragons of LIGHT and DARK have put aside their differences to unite as one unstoppable force! This Structure Deck includes powerful Dragons, Lightsworn monsters, and some of the best DARK and LIGHT monsters, all merged together into a Dueling juggernaut. More combinations await when additional LIGHT Dragons are unleashed in Galactic Overlord booster packs (coming May 2012).

This Structure Deck Contains: 37 Common Cards, 2 Ultra Rare Cards, 1 Super Rare Card, 1 Rulebook, 1 Game Mat, 1 Dueling Guide


Personally, I don't think this deck will have a big effect on just dragons or lightsworns for the game, but maybe Chaos. I'm actually predicting that Chaos will become top tier because nothing in YuGiOh! makes sense. With BLS coming back, and now this structure deck. It seems to me that they're making more reprints of lightsworns for more buyers of this product. However, it looks like a great collector's item and the 2 cover cards have decent effects and look really good.

Lightpulsar, especially is a great addition to Chaos/Twilight because of its annoying effect of keep coming back from the graveyard. It can be special summoned from hand to field and graveyard to field and also Darkflare Dragon is a target for Lightpulsar. And also, Darkflare is like Foolish Burial and Future Fusion? hm, What is Konami trying to do? In conclusion, Lightpulsar is A LOT better in stats, effect, but maybe not artwork haha.

Here are the cover cards' effects:

(Effects are not 100% accurately translated to English.)

Lightpulsar Dragon:
You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by banishing 1LIGHT and 1 DARK monsters from your Graveyard. You can Special Summon this card (from your Graveyard) by sending 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monsters from your hand to the Graveyard. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can target 1 Level 5 or higher DARK Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target.

Darkflare Dragon:
You can banish 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard; Special Summon this card (from your hand). Once per turn: You can send 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand and Deck to the Graveyard; banish 1 card from either player's Graveyard.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

TCG Rarity Bumps: Maxx "C"?

I assumed that the card price would stop at around $35 but no it's going up to around $45?

I get that Maxx "C" is a great stopper for special summoning but really? Forty five flippin dollars?

Maybe it's just me, but this seems way too ridiculous. This card should've just been a super rare max from the start. LOL KONAMI

Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Decklist

Err, I'll get to more explaining later cuz it's 1 in the morning and I'm pretty tired. Just writing the decklist when my mind's pretty clear:

Monsters - 16
x3 King Tiger Wanghu
x3 Beast King Barbaros
x3 Reborn Tengu
x3 Thunder King Rai-Oh
x2 D.D. Warrior Lady
x1 Pitch Black Warwolf
x1 Morphing Jar

Spells - 8
x3 Pot of Duality
x3 Burden of the Mighty
x2 Book of Moon

Traps - 16
x3 Horn of the Phantom Beast
x3 Skill Drain
x3 Dimensional Prison
x2 Solemn Warning
x1 Mirror Force
x1 Solemn Judgment
x2 Bottomless Trap Hole
x1 Torrential Tribute

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Focusing on Wanghu!

I really want to emphasize on this whole Wangu Anti-Meta Beast deck idea. Augustin Herrera's build in Indianapolis really got my attention. It was a build from the last format, but with just a little tweaks, it can be a devastating competitor for the meta this format too.

First of all, you have King Tiger Wanghu, which is a great against Gadgets, most T.G monsters, Blackwings, Underworlds, and some plants. The problem with Wanghu is that it needs so much protection. Having 3 Horn of the Phantom Beast, 2-3 Forbidden Chalice should do the trick but takes so much of the deck.

Other monsters like Barbaros & Thunder King work great. Barbaros combos great with Horn of the Phantom Beast and also Skill Drain.

Skill Drain is a MUST for this deck. In case your plans fail of keeping Wanghu out on the field, Skill Drain and Barbaros is your back up. Now let's say your strategy of shutting down with Wanghu works. Having 3 Skill Drain in your deck can really be dead draws so that's a risk you gotta take.

Of course Reborn Tengu is needed. Great combo again with Horn of the Phantom Beast and for quicker monster line-up, since decks like these play around only 15-17 monsters.

Other cards you can play with are Thunder King, Doomcaliber Knight, Banisher of the Radiance preferably side decked), Fossil Dyna, & Pitch-Black Warwolf. All these cards are really just basics of a strong anti-meta build. You can make this anti meta to the extreme by playing 3 Fossil Dyna, 3 Thunder King, and 3 Doomcaliber but if you wanna, just make a anti-meta deck. :P

Wanghu can be greatly used, but it all depends on your protection for him. Think of your offense too, always have 3 Burden of the Mighty, (even if it may look like a dead draw) it will probably be quickly MST'ed a couple of times around. I personally want to try out an own build and even might have a deck profile later on.

That's it for today. Until my next post, peace!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Short Review: Wave 2 Tins

We can FINALLY get our 'easy' copies of solemn Warning, and also Fossil Dyna! The other promos look pretty sick too:

Just gotta say, WTF is The Tyrant Neptune doing here? garbageeeee

I'm REALLY looking forward to 'Number 10: Illumiknight' the card itself because of it's pretty interesting effect. It basically lets you get rid of a dead card in your hand (up to 3 times). It may look like it's an annoyance to get him out but decks like Offering Gadgets can make it with ease.

'Number 10: Illumiknight' Full effect:

3 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; send 1
card from your hand to the Graveyard and draw 1 card.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

HUGE Liquidation Sale

Finally doing one of these. As Legendary collection 2 and Generation Force are coming out soon, I'm planning to sorta restart my collection. EVERYTHING is on discount. Pretty cheap stuff, so go check the video out! (click on the title)