Friday, July 30, 2010

Back from vacation & Banlist talk

Hey guys, I'm back from my 3 week vacation so I'll post a couple of more vids later on. Also the banlist is on its way and lots of people have already started posting videos on their thoughts. I'll probably making a video on the banlist too so keep updated.

X - Sabers - I don't think the banlist will hit X - Sabers at all. Maybe top tier next format?

Blackwings - Very confused about this one. Blackwings pretty much ruled this format, and since there is a Crow duelist pack coming soon, they might get hit. But, the pack will not come to TCG until probably next year. So you know what, Konami can go die. *o*

Infernities - Infernities HAVE to get hit, since they took over so much, (stopped me from going to Top 4 at locals too) and won I think 3 SJC's? Not sure, gotta check on that.

Machina Gadgets - This deck was introduced in thie format and I hope it doesn't get hit too much, but I do think the boss man, Machina Fortress might get sliced to 2.

Lightsworns - Lightsworns will pretty much get taken care of considering all the reprints. (Honest, Charge)

- XC