Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Decklist

Err, I'll get to more explaining later cuz it's 1 in the morning and I'm pretty tired. Just writing the decklist when my mind's pretty clear:

Monsters - 16
x3 King Tiger Wanghu
x3 Beast King Barbaros
x3 Reborn Tengu
x3 Thunder King Rai-Oh
x2 D.D. Warrior Lady
x1 Pitch Black Warwolf
x1 Morphing Jar

Spells - 8
x3 Pot of Duality
x3 Burden of the Mighty
x2 Book of Moon

Traps - 16
x3 Horn of the Phantom Beast
x3 Skill Drain
x3 Dimensional Prison
x2 Solemn Warning
x1 Mirror Force
x1 Solemn Judgment
x2 Bottomless Trap Hole
x1 Torrential Tribute

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